The Bench for Wall Bars Steadyline is an outstanding attachment suitable for any wall bars that are at least 40 centimeters wide. The bench is made of high-quality beech wood which is flexible but solid. It consists of three parts. The part on which you sit/lie on while exercising is made of three 200-centimeter-long boards. Then there’s the support leg which is used to adjust the height of the bench. You can also fold the support leg down, creating a second position where the bench leans against the floor. The third part is the foam-padded leg roller attachment that is used for sit-ups (it can be adjusted to two positions).
The Bench for Wall Bars Steadyline will expand your exercise options, allowing you to perform not only the aforementioned sit-ups, but also tricep push-ups and bench jumps. It also allows you to do dumbbell exercises.
Technical description:
- Practical bench that you can hang on any wall bars
- Wide range of exercises
- Perfect for sit-ups, bench jumps, tricep push-ups, etc.
- Allows you to perform dumbbell exercises (provided you don’t exceed the weight limit)
- Support leg that can be adjusted to two positions
- Built-in leg roller attachment that can be adjusted to two positions
- Easy to use
- Material: natural beech wood, PVC foam (leg rollers)
- Dimensions: 200 x 35 x 3 cm
- Support leg max height: 49 cm
- Leg roller attachment height: 32 cm
- Weight limit: 140 kg