Aerobic Step Platform Tahira pakub kolme reguleeritavat kõrgust: 16 – 21 – 26 cm, kusjuures astme suurus on 90 x 32,5 cm, mis teeb selle sobivaks kõigi kehatüüpide kasutajatele ja erinevatele harjutustele. Aeroobika stepipink on viimastel aastatel muutunud üheks kõige populaarsemaks aeroobika treeningtarvikuks. Seda kasutatakse peamiselt vertikaalseks treeninguks, kus treenijad ületavad sammule astudes ja sealt tagasi astudes kõrguste vahe. See aitab treenida keha alumise poole lihaseid oluliselt teisiti kui tavalise aeroobika ajal.
Tehniline kirjeldus:
- Libisematu pind
- Kvaliteetne disain
- Sobib professionaalseks kasutamiseks
- Kolm reguleeritavat astmekõrgust: 16 – 21 – 26 cm
- Mõõtmed: 90 x 32,5 cm
5,48 kg Polüpropüleen
- Kaalupiirang: 250 kg
Aerobic Step Platform Tahira offers three adjustable heights: 16 – 21 – 26 cm, where the size of the step is 90 x 32.5 cm, making it suitable for users of all body types and a variety of exercises. Aerobic step has become one of the most popular exercise accessories for aerobics in recent years. It is used mainly for vertical training where trainees overcome a height difference when stepping onto the step and stepping back down. This helps you exercise the muscles in the lower half of your body in a significantly different way than during regular aerobics.
Technical description:
- Non-slip surface
- Quality design
- Suitable for professional use
- Three adjustable step heights: 16 – 21 – 26 cm
- Dimensions: 90 x 32.5 cm
- Weight: 5.48 kg
- Material: Polypropylene
- Weight limit: 250 kg